Friday, October 8, 2010

Buying Everything

My home is pretty "plain Jane". No fancy decorations, no color coordinating, and no Zen aura. We purchase what is needed and usually at a bargain-basement price. And decorating is pretty much a foreign word in our house. Functionality is key. Practicality is mandatory. And price matters.

My girlfriends' homes are so expertly coordinated with up-to-date design, decor,  and furnishings. I long for my home to resemble the magazine pages that I tear out and store for "some day" use. We are very careful with our money, however, and don't spend what we don't have. I guess there's something to be said for owning -truly owning- everything in our home.

I have been molded to this way of thinking. Frugality and purchase-only-out-of-necessity isn't a philosophy that I embraced quickly or happily. It was somewhat thrust upon me. And self-discipline in this area is a constant work-in-progress. The store is merely a temptation that I long to indulge but resist just the same.

My son likes to go to the store, however,  and seems to be endowed with the love of shopping. He insists on carrying his own basket and joyously adds trinkets and treasures that are "musts". And saying 'no' isn't always easy- I would love to buy him the "I wants" and the "I needs", but, alas, I am swayed by my new found (that's forced upon) frugality, financially responsible, and simple minded self. So we forgo treats and small toy purchases, decorations and accessories, additions and apparel.

But there was a part of me at the store today that wanted to join my 4 year old on his stated quest to "buy evrysing" which he announced proudly and frequently as we ventured up and down the aisles full of shiny, new, and exciting items just waiting to be placed in our baskets. I wanted to buy the new gotta-have toy, the fun fall decorations he wanted so badly, and the dishes to match! Bring on the coordinating pillows and sheets, grab the candles and artwork, and a new lamp to boot! Let's fill the cart with knick-knacks, accessories, and apparel just to spite!

We headed out of the store with the items for which we (for our date night), blow dryer( because mine is 11 years old and my hair gets sucked into the motor), deodorant (my son's was stolen), and facial wash (he's a preteen and paranoid about the prospect of-acne!)..................and a package of Color Wonder for my kiddo that wants to "buy evrysing" but never gets to.

He held onto his package as we left the store as if it were the last one ever made. He protected "his purchase" and carefully held it all the way home. Immediately upon getting home, we opened the coveted package, and he sat coloring in his new book. I left him sitting there to get our lunch, when I heard his quiet little voice, "sanks for buying evrysing, mommy".


Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

Too sweet! You're doing a good job teaching him to be wise! =)

Following back!

Unknown said...

Hello you have a nice blog. thanks for following me on follow fridays, hope to get to know you better!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following me! I'm following you now too!

That is such a sweet story. I teared up a little, lol.

MaricrisG said...

Aw that is so sweet! What a blessing to have great kids, is it not?

sevencherubs said...

I love kids who are thankful and that is just super lovely! good on you for being frugal - I need a little more of that in my house! thanks for linking up! Naomi

Unknown said...

Aww, that's so sweet! I hope my daughter is that humble when she gets older.
Yeah, we don't do any decorating in my house either. I hope to change that, but I'm on your team. Buy the necessities, leave the rest. Maybe it'll change once NuNu gets older :)

craftycam said...

Your son sounds like such a sweetheart! We've learned the hard way to only buy what is necessary. I do slip once in a while when I find a great deal on craigslist though!

Jeannett said...

aren't kids so sweet! what a great way to be purposeful in your parenting! thanks for stopping by the other day!