I Love My Husband
He makes me laugh
He tells me I'm beautiful.....everyday...even when I am in my sweatpants and t-shirt while camping
He asks for my advice
He values my opinion
He is very good at listening to me ramble on and on about my feelings
He encourages me in whatever I do....and always believes I will "knock it out of the park!"
He's an athlete
He is always ready to eat dessert with me...even in bed
He needs me
He gave me 4 of the most amazing, beautiful boys IN THE WORLD
He rubs my feet the ENTIRE time I'm in labor to relax me (I'm a "no drug" kinda girl-ouch!)
He goes out of his way to do errands for me so I don't have to pack up the kids
He scoops the snow out of the driveway
He goes sledding with me
He mows the yard...and never asks me to help
He takes the garbage to the curb on trash pick up day
He looks for me in the crowd when he is coaching a home game
and he comes to give me a kiss when the game is done
I Love My Boys
They make me laugh
They tell me I'm beautiful...everyday...even in sweats and a t-shirt while camping (they're a lot like their dad)
They look at me with eyes that believe I can do anything.
They come to me when they get hurt
They always forgive me when I mess up
They love to help me
They are truly honest (even if I don't want them to be)
They think I "smell good"
They don't ever want me to be upset
They WANT to do everything with me (games, sledding, family bike rides, catch, and football)
They come to me first with good OR bad news
I'm the one they find for a hug
They look for me in the crowd at their games
and they come to give me a kiss when the game is done
I Love Being A Girl
We get to wear makeup- I love makeup
We have really cute clothes....and a huge variety in every store
We can love shoes and not be seen as weird
We get to be pregnant- it's a very personal, private, selfish love
We have sexy curves
Our bodies are beautiful-even when we are naked
We are very resourceful
I get to be the "mom"
I Hate Being A Girl
We have to have a "monthly visitor"-how is that fair??!
Labor-It really, really hurts!
Wearing high heels....a) I fall A LOT b) they hurt c) you need multiple pairs
We have to work really, really hard to look this good
We have to care about how we look
Why am I still getting breakouts???!!!??
My body has to expand to support baby...it just doesn't always "bounce" back
Thanks so much for stopping by! Love all your Reasons Why!
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Have a wonderful day and do stop by again:)
Love your lists!! :)
Have a great weekend!!
have a good weekend
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Hi I'm your newest Friday Follower! Well I would be if my IE would work right, I’ll be back later to follow you offically. Your blog looks so interesting I can't wait to read more. If you get a chance please follow me back @
I love this!! Great lists!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, commenting on the guest post and following! I am following you back and can't wait to read more of your blog!
Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas
Enjoyed reading you list. I used to have sexy curves now I just have curves in different places!
This was so sweet! *tear*
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