Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Curiosity Killed the Cat...Not the Kid

My boys aren't big on shopping. Actually, my two oldest boys view it as some kind of inhumane torture and treat it as such....with much whining, complaining, and begging for mercy. They also believe it is a mere necessary which demands adherence to a very specific list. Shopping for "fun" is foreign and unheard of to them. With that said, I try to do most of my leisure shopping without the presence of the older two "fun"-haters.

The younger two, however, seem to be quite fond of shopping with mommy and love to "help" me pick out new shirts, dresses, jewelry, name it, they put it in the "to buy" pile, cart, or my arms. It's actually quite sweet, and I enjoy their presence on my shopping trips....most of the time. Sometimes, however, my littlest gets...distracted. All that glitters, glistens and "lifts up"...must be investigated by my sweet, in training!

I'm not sure if it's a case of "boys will be boys" or if he is practicing for the future. Either way, I think I'll have to strike the word "innocent" from my vocabulary!


Foursons said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! I love that he was there long enough for you to get all of those shots.

Unknown said...

Those are the BEST and funniest pictures! Love it!

Alex said...

Found you on the Wordful Wednesday linky and am following...This post is HILARIOUS! oh boys! lol

Desperate Housemommy said...

This child and my Small One would get along famously.

Unknown said...

These literally made me laugh out loud.

Bethany said...

This makes me laugh. Oh. My. Word.

Jamie W said...

hilarious. i would duck & cover. totally.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh that is totally #2! Sadly, at age 6 I caught him doing it to a real girl who was walking up the stairs in front of him! Gah! What to do?!

Charris said...

Now that is Hilarious! I have 3 boys myself and (although not confirmed yet) I think I might have another kid on the way. Hopefully is so, its a girl. I see you have one comming too. Is it a girl (hopefully) or another boy?