Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fight or Flight

As my kids get older, more seems to be required of them.....and of me truthfully. I thought having some of my kids attending school would give me a teeny tiny breather. But I was wrong. With school comes volunteering, fundraising, activities, and the art of nickel and diming my pocket book to death! Not only does school require more and more time, the extracurricular activities are getting more and more intense. And only 2 of my 4 offspring are in school and involved in activities. I have an out-of-control color-coded calendar of events, appointments, and reminders that has me spinning circles.

My oldest is now in middle school, and the social calendar that came with this stage of life has me running my very own taxi service sans any compensation. Normally I have dreaded the idea of my own child behind the wheel of a car...but I think the luxury of him driving himself to and from, and from and to, and back and forth...is luring me in!

With the approaching warmer weather (by the way it is still snowing here!) along came soccer, baseball (both boys are in a different league...ie: different schedules), track and field, class field trips, and (apparently this is when I schedule them) doctor appointments! Not to mention, classes are wrapping up...or trying to which is equates to more at-home work. And hubby is preparing for his year-long departure to save the world! On top of all of that my spring "To Do" list is busting at the seams.

I'm spinning circles people...chasing my tail....running around like a chicken with her head cut off! Whatever you want to call it...that's what I'm doing. And in this process, my once well-maintained and pampered exterior has taken a backseat! My body has declared a boycott! Gravity has taken hold...and is winning...all within the last month!! Hair - frizzy and dull and roots are more than noticeable. Skin - lacking luster and freshness. Body- I've had 4 kids and am somewhere past the age of 29....I need maintenance, people!!! In this battle to maintain some semblance of my sanity, sexiness, and my children's blossoming social calendar...my body has declared war!

I need to put myself back at the top of some kind of priority list; carve out some desperately needed "me" time; take a bath; shave my legs; re-introduce myself to my treadmill; jump back into my love affair with the blogosphere!!! My sanity (and my summer wardrobe) is counting on it!


Johi said...

YES! I wish you lived closer and we could sneak off to work out together. :)

Anonymous said...

Wait....you have 4 kids and can find time to shave your legs, eventually?

Once again, I bow to you.

I texted to check in, but I think our phones still hate each other. :(

Patty said...

Come to NY, I'll bring you in the salon and wax your legs; much better than shaving. We can do lunch first, have a bottle of wine and, trust me, you won't mind the waxing discomfort, lol

Take some time for you, lady. Tell the tribe that you QUIT...for one day, even afternoon, to yourself.

That's an order!


Sandra said...

Then do all of the above! You'll be so glad you did when you're rocking that bikini. Go to the Victoria's Secret website. I find it very inspirational, and there are so many suits to choose from.

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

You enjoy a day to yourself then! Or at least half a day. If anyone deserves it, it is you my dear :) I hope you get one soon!!

Ms. Blasé said...

Okay, stop!

Now breathe.

That's right... in and out... just breathe. We don't want you hyperventilating on us! :D